Sally's Coffee Morning Fundraiser for Walk the Walk!

Asking people for donations isn't always easy, Sally's got the right idea...

"I am not the best person to do any fundraising as I’m not pushy enough to ask people to sponsor me or to donate to my page, I know that times are hard for people and asking someone to make a donation isn’t always easy for them... so when I decided to do The MoonWalk London Virtual and then realised that I needed £100+ I was left with a dilemma as to how to raise the funds.

I live in a small village in East Yorkshire where pre-covid we had coffee mornings every couple of months in our village hall. They are very much a sociable occasion where everyone has a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit and a good catch-up. As there hadn’t been one for a couple of years, I took the opportunity to hold one and get everyone back together again.

I made some posters and stuck them in the local shop, and got in touch with the local paper who did a piece on me and on what I was doing a few weeks before – a really good form of advertising! I decorated the outside of the hall with pink balloons and posters advertising the event from about a week before – just to remind people!

The village hall cost me £25 for 2 hours on a Saturday morning, I roped in a few friends (maybe about 8 in total) to help me with making the drinks, running a tombola, selling raffle tickets and manning a cake stall. My Mum and my husband were amongst the many people who heard about what I was doing and offered to make cakes, scones, brownies, tray bakes – you name it they made it! People love homemade cakes, and they sold for about £5 a cake, whereas the tray bakes were cut into squares for about 50p each. People also donated prizes for the tombola, my spare room was full for a few weeks before! I didn’t charge an entry fee, but charged £1 for a cup of tea or coffee, with as many free refills as they wanted, I wanted to raise funds but also make it a sociable occasion at the same time... and it certainly paid off – in the space of 2 hours I raised £1041.62 – yes it takes some hard work but its a great way to raise funds for a worthwhile cause."

Thank you Sally for sharing your story! 

Join Sally at The MoonWalk London Virtual 2022 now!

If you have a fundraising event or activity planned, take a look at our extra bits and pieces to help you... if we can help in any way, please do get in touch!

Raise money, Raise awareness, Get fit and Have the best fun Walking the Walk!



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