The MoonWalk London and feathers

but there is one small footnote that I just had to share… if you were wondering what happened to all those feathers that you gorgeous MoonWalkers left behind

Hello to all you MoonWalkers I hope you have now recovered from what was quite a MoonWalk!

The Walk the Walk Team have been busy all week loading and unloading, dismantling our beautiful pink tent and trying to solve some of the mysteries and happenings of the night…Your fundraising is coming in wonderfully so don’t stop…and all traces of The MoonWalk on Clapham Common are with the help of a bit of rain and sun are magically disappearing… 

... but there is one small footnote that I just had to share… if you were wondering what happened to all those feathers that you gorgeous MoonWalkers left behind… well, I can tell you the Walk the Walk Team collected quite a few bags full, but we had help, it appears the birds on Clapham Common were taking lots of feathers for their nests, so what a beautiful end to imagine all those little birds sitting in rainbow filled nests! 

See you next year if not before.

Big hugs to you all, 

Nina and the Walk the Walk Team



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